Details of Post Offices with PinCode 313203. There are total of 9 post offices in Udaipur Rajasthan (RJ), India (IND) with same PIN code. Places are Bhimal, Gadoli, Khempur, Ladani, Lopada, Mavli Jn, Phalichada, Sakroda, Vadiyar,
List of Post Offices PIN Code 313203 Udaipur Rajasthan (RJ)
PinCode: 313203 Bhimal Post Office, Udaipur - Rajasthan
Bhimal Post Office is located at Udaipur in Rajasthan state. It is a B.O. A Post Office (PO) / Dak Ghar is a facility in charge of sorting, processing, and delivering mail to recipients. POs are usually regulated and funded by the Government of India (GOI).
Pin code of Bhimal PO is 313203. This Postoffice falls under Udaipur of Ajmer the Rajasthan in RAJASTHAN (RJ) State..
PinCode: 313203 Gadoli Post Office, Udaipur - Rajasthan
Gadoli Post Office is located at Udaipur in Rajasthan state. It is a B.O. A Post Office (PO) / Dak Ghar is a facility in charge of sorting, processing, and delivering mail to recipients. POs are usually regulated and funded by the Government of India (GOI).
Pin code of Gadoli PO is 313203. This Postoffice falls under Udaipur of Ajmer the Rajasthan in RAJASTHAN (RJ) State..
PinCode: 313203 Khempur Post Office, Udaipur - Rajasthan
Khempur Post Office is located at Udaipur in Rajasthan state. It is a B.O. A Post Office (PO) / Dak Ghar is a facility in charge of sorting, processing, and delivering mail to recipients. POs are usually regulated and funded by the Government of India (GOI).
Pin code of Khempur PO is 313203. This Postoffice falls under Udaipur of Ajmer the Rajasthan in RAJASTHAN (RJ) State..
PinCode: 313203 Ladani Post Office, Udaipur - Rajasthan
Ladani Post Office is located at Udaipur in Rajasthan state. It is a B.O. A Post Office (PO) / Dak Ghar is a facility in charge of sorting, processing, and delivering mail to recipients. POs are usually regulated and funded by the Government of India (GOI).
Pin code of Ladani PO is 313203. This Postoffice falls under Udaipur of Ajmer the Rajasthan in RAJASTHAN (RJ) State..
PinCode: 313203 Lopada Post Office, Udaipur - Rajasthan
Lopada Post Office is located at Udaipur in Rajasthan state. It is a B.O. A Post Office (PO) / Dak Ghar is a facility in charge of sorting, processing, and delivering mail to recipients. POs are usually regulated and funded by the Government of India (GOI).
Pin code of Lopada PO is 313203. This Postoffice falls under Udaipur of Ajmer the Rajasthan in RAJASTHAN (RJ) State..
PinCode: 313203 Mavli Jn Post Office, Udaipur - Rajasthan
Mavli Jn Post Office is located at Udaipur in Rajasthan state. It is a S.O. A Post Office (PO) / Dak Ghar is a facility in charge of sorting, processing, and delivering mail to recipients. POs are usually regulated and funded by the Government of India (GOI).
Pin code of Mavli Jn PO is 313203. This Postoffice falls under Udaipur of Ajmer the Rajasthan in RAJASTHAN (RJ) State..
PinCode: 313203 Phalichada Post Office, Udaipur - Rajasthan
Phalichada Post Office is located at Udaipur in Rajasthan state. It is a B.O. A Post Office (PO) / Dak Ghar is a facility in charge of sorting, processing, and delivering mail to recipients. POs are usually regulated and funded by the Government of India (GOI).
Pin code of Phalichada PO is 313203. This Postoffice falls under Udaipur of Ajmer the Rajasthan in RAJASTHAN (RJ) State..
Post Office | Phalichada |
PIN Code | 313203 |
Statte | RAJASTHAN |
District | Udaipur |
Delivery Status | Delivery |
Postal Division | Udaipur |
Postal Region | Ajmer |
Postal Circle | Rajasthan |
Post Type | Sub Post Office |
PinCode: 313203 Sakroda Post Office, Udaipur - Rajasthan
Sakroda Post Office is located at Udaipur in Rajasthan state. It is a B.O. A Post Office (PO) / Dak Ghar is a facility in charge of sorting, processing, and delivering mail to recipients. POs are usually regulated and funded by the Government of India (GOI).
Pin code of Sakroda PO is 313203. This Postoffice falls under Udaipur of Ajmer the Rajasthan in RAJASTHAN (RJ) State..
PinCode: 313203 Vadiyar Post Office, Udaipur - Rajasthan
Vadiyar Post Office is located at Udaipur in Rajasthan state. It is a B.O. A Post Office (PO) / Dak Ghar is a facility in charge of sorting, processing, and delivering mail to recipients. POs are usually regulated and funded by the Government of India (GOI).
Pin code of Vadiyar PO is 313203. This Postoffice falls under Udaipur of Ajmer the Rajasthan in RAJASTHAN (RJ) State..