List of SWIFT code BIC Code and address of all bank branches in World Find Verified SWIFT code quickly to use for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.
Select the Country from Below List for Swift/BIC Code and Branch details
Swift code List of all countries is given below. Click for more information about the country and its services. To find details of other countries, use the form below.
- Afghanistan (AF)
- Albania (AL)
- Algeria (DZ)
- American Samoa (AS)
- Andorra (AD)
- Angola (AO)
- Anguilla (AI)
- Antigua and Barbuda (AG)
- Argentina (AR)
- Aruba (AW)
- Australia (AU)
- Austria (AT)
- Azerbaijan (AZ)
- Bahamas (BS)
- Bahrain (BH)
- Bangladesh (BD)
- Barbados (BB)
- Belarus (BY)
- Belgium (BE)
- Belize (BZ)
- Benin (BJ)
- Bermuda (BM)
- Bhutan (BT)
- Bolivia (BO)
- Bonaire (BQ)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)
- Botswana (BW)
- Brazil (BR)
- Brunei (BN)
- Bulgaria (BG)
- Burkina Faso (BF)
- Burundi (BI)
- Cambodia (KH)
- Cameroon (CM)
- Canada (CA)
- Cape Verde (CV)
- Cayman Islands (KY)
- Central African Republic (CF)
- Chad (TD)
- Chile (CL)
- China (CN)
- Colombia (CO)
- Comoros (KM)
- Congo Democratic Republic (CD)
- Congo Republic (CG)
- Cook Islands (CK)
- Costa Rica (CR)
- Cote d Ivoire (CI)
- Croatia (HR)
- Cuba (CU)
- Curacao (CW)
- Cyprus (CY)
- Czech Republic (CZ)
- Denmark (DK)
- Djibouti (DJ)
- Dominica (DM)
- Dominican Republic (DO)
- Ecuador (EC)
- Egypt (EG)
- El Salvador (SV)
- Equatorial Guinea (GQ)
- Eritrea (ER)
- Estonia (EE)
- Ethiopia (ET)
- Falkland Islands (FK)
- Faroe Islands (FO)
- Fiji (FJ)
- Finland (FI)
- France (FR)
- French Guiana (GF)
- French Polynesia (PF)
- Gabon (GA)
- Gambia (GM)
- Georgia (GE)
- Germany (DE)
- Ghana (GH)
- Gibraltar (GI)
- Greece (GR)
- Greenland (GL)
- Grenada ()
- Grenada (GD)
- Guadeloupe (GP)
- Guam (GU)
- Guatemala (GT)
- Guernsey (GG)
- Guinea (GN)
- Guinea Bissau (GW)
- Guyana (GY)
- Haiti (HT)
- Honduras (HN)
- Hong Kong (HK)
- Hungary (HU)
- Iceland (IS)
- India (IN)
- Indonesia (ID)
- Iran (IR)
- Iraq (IQ)
- Ireland (IE)
- Isle of Man (IM)
- Israel (IL)
- Italy (IT)
- Jamaica (JM)
- Japan (JP)
- Jersey (JE)
- Jordan (JO)
- Kazakhstan (KZ)
- Kenya (KE)
- Kiribati (KI)
- Kosovo (XK)
- Kuwait (KW)
- Kyrgyzstan (KG)
- Laos (LA)
- Latvia (LV)
- Lebanon (LB)
- Lesotho (LS)
- Liberia (LR)
- Libya (LY)
- Liechtenstein (LI)
- Lithuania (LT)
- Luxembourg (LU)
- Macao (MO)
- Macedonia (MK)
- Madagascar (MG)
- Malawi (MW)
- Malaysia (MY)
- Maldives (MV)
- Mali (ML)
- Malta (MT)
- Marshall Islands (MH)
- Martinique (MQ)
- Mauritania (MR)
- Mauritius (MU)
- Mayotte (YT)
- Mexico (MX)
- Micronesia (FM)
- Moldova (MD)
- Monaco (MC)
- Mongolia (MN)
- Montenegro (ME)
- Montserrat (MS)
- Morocco (MA)
- Mozambique (MZ)
- Myanmar (MM)
- Namibia (NA)
- Nauru (NR)
- Nepal (NP)
- Netherlands (NL)
- New Caledonia (NC)
- New Zealand (NZ)
- Nicaragua (NI)
- Niger (NE)
- Nigeria (NG)
- North Korea (KP)
- Northern Mariana Islands (MP)
- Norway (NO)
- Oman (OM)
- Pakistan (PK)
- Palau (PW)
- Palestine (PS)
- Panama (PA)
- Papua New Guinea (PG)
- Paraguay (PY)
- Peru (PE)
- Philippines (PH)
- Poland (PL)
- Portugal (PT)
- Puerto Rico (PR)
- Qatar (QA)
- Reunion (RE)
- Romania (RO)
- Russia (RU)
- Rwanda (RW)
- Saint Helena (SH)
- Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN)
- Saint Lucia (LC)
- Saint Pierre and Miquelon (PM)
- Samoa (WS)
- San Marino (SM)
- Sao Tome and Principe (ST)
- Saudi Arabia (SA)
- Senegal (SN)
- Serbia (RS)
- Seychelles (SC)
- Sierra Leone (SL)
- Singapore (SG)
- Sint Maarten (SX)
- Slovakia (SK)
- Slovenia (SI)
- Solomon Islands (SB)
- Somalia (SO)
- South Africa (ZA)
- South Korea (KR)
- South Sudan (SS)
- Spain (ES)
- Sri Lanka (LK)
- St Vincent and Grenadines (VC)
- Sudan (SD)
- Suriname (SR)
- Swaziland (SZ)
- Sweden (SE)
- Switzerland (CH)
- Syria (SY)
- Taiwan (TW)
- Tajikistan (TJ)
- Tanzania (TZ)
- Thailand (TH)
- Timor Leste (TL)
- Togo (TG)
- Tonga (TO)
- Trinidad and Tobago (TT)
- Tunisia (TN)
- Turkey (TR)
- Turkmenistan (TM)
- Turks and Caicos Islands (TC)
- Tuvalu (TV)
- Uganda (UG)
- Ukraine (UA)
- United Arab Emirates (AE)
- United Kingdom (GB)
- United States (US)
- Uruguay (UY)
- Uzbekistan (UZ)
- Vanuatu (VU)
- Vatican City (VA)
- Venezuela (VE)
- Vietnam (VN)
- Virgin Islands (UK) (VG)
- Virgin Islands (US) (VI)
- Wallis and Futuna Islands (WF)
- Yemen (YE)
- Zambia (ZM)
- Zimbabwe (ZW)